Blog Category: Home gyms

Why Premium Steel Drives Better Performance

On a tight budget? It’s true that you can find exercise machines and accessories available at a wide range of price points. So you may ask: What gives premium fitness equipment its higher…

When space is a premium, think Paramount.

At Gym Source, two popular specialty benches we’ve carried for years include the traditional ab bench—which is a decline bench for doing abdominals—along with a hyperextension bench, where…

Evaluating Pulley Weights for Home Gyms

One of the most challenging pieces of equipment to evaluate is a cable-system weight machine. There are a lot of numbers associated with the pulley weights, and learning how to evaluate them…

Home Gym Equipment: What to Look for in a Lateral Pulldown Bar

One of the most popular accessories to purchase for a residential home gym is a lateral pulldown bar (often shortened to ‘lat’ pulldown bar), a machined metal bar attachment that attaches to…

What Makes a Well-Constructed Home Gym?

When it comes to home gyms, is bigger necessarily better? In a word, no. The key elements to look for are sound engineering and quality components. Here’s what to look for: First, check out…

The Jones Option—Worth the Investment?

It’s easy to keep up with the Jones’s, especially with the Bodycraft Jones JB7AB. With everything you need to build muscle and strength with maximum comfort and flexibility, you’ve never…