Gym Source Blog: Fitness Spotlight

Inspiration Station: Busy Mom Takes Charge with Cybex

Written by Gym Source | May 15, 2013 4:44:08 PM

Amber Acosta, a busy mother of four, seemed to have no time for fitness. As a result, she was constantly fatigued—made worse by horrible eating habits.

“I felt bad about myself,” she says, “and so I just decided to make a change.”

That change included regular workouts with AZ Pro Physiques and 3x-weekly cardio training on a Cybex Arc Trainer. The results: 30 pounds lost and a stronger, harder body.

“Amber has worked incredibly hard and has stayed consistent with the program,” says Whitney Jones, co-owner of AZ Pro Physiques. “She’s a pure example of someone who has the desire and drive to make change and create a healthier lifestyle.”

With the Cybex Arc Trainer, Amber says she’s ready to continue her fitness journey: “My goal going forward is to continue being healthy. Exercise is something that I have become very passionate about.” She now incorporates her learning into her household lifestyle, ensuring that her whole family, especially her four children, have healthy eating habits.

See Amber reach her goals on this video from Cybex International.