Did you know that you’d have to run an eight-minute mile in order to burn more calories than you would jumping rope? Not only does jumping rope burn calories, but it’s a great cardiovascular workout that tones muscle, too. And forget what you thought you knew about the jump ropes. Crossrope has launched a line that redefines the product – and you can get one for as little as $40!
You may have dreaded the day in gym class when you had to select an old, ratty jump rope from a bin and hop up and down for half an hour. The experience you get with Crossrope, however, is a different one entirely. You can actually build your own jump rope by choosing your own handles and cables, including products with descriptions like “super speed,” “heavy weighted,” “quick handle,” and “rugged.” You can easily jump (pun intended) between speed work and cardio work with ropes that have a natural feel; smaller, lighter clips that facilitate faster rotations; attachments that allow for improved rotational consistency and unparalleled strength; and cushioned handles that are equal parts comfort and durability.
As exercisers, we all tend to fall into our own habits and routines. If you’re looking for a new way to ramp up your fitness that’s both effective and fun, Crossrope is a great place to start. At Gym Source we are constantly scouting the exercise world for stellar examples of innovation in fitness. Who would have thought you could cram so many ingenious design elements into a simple rope!