Blog Category: Fit fact

Taking Good Advice to Heart

In honor of American Heart Month this February, the American College of Cardiology conducted survey of more than 650 cardiologists—with hopes of understanding how the nation’s cardiologists…

Better Playlist = Better Workout

A new study by Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, confirmed that people tend to stick to a ‘natural’ pace that minimizes physical exertion while running or walking, and won’t…

For Total Body Fitness – Take a Functional Fitness Test!

Functional Fitness is a way of evaluating—and improving—how your body performs doing five essential movements: squat, lunge, push, pull, and rotate. All of these movements require muscle…

Is breakfast over-rated?

A new study from Northumbria University suggests that people burn up to 20% more body fat by exercising in the morning on an empty stomach. The British Journal of Nutrition described the…

A More Convenient Cross Country Workout

Stuck in a cardio rut? Here’s something new for your favorite elliptical: Keep that heart pumping by transforming your everyday elliptical session into a cross-country skiing adventure. To…

Are You Allergic to Your New Workout?

If you’re sticking to your health-related New Year’s resolutions—Good for you! Maybe you’ve joined a gym or stocked your kitchen with healthy food. Now here’s the caveat: Make sure your new…

Climbing the Corporate Ladder? Get Fit!

If you’re on track for the corner office (or want to be) don’t neglect your workout. Staying fit is now considered an increasingly important requirement for senior management success. In…

For Cold Weather Fitness, Check the Weather

Love working out in cold weather, but nervous about hypothermia? Recently, the American Council on Fitness posted recommendations for exercising in frigid climes. Among the guidelines they…

Make Sure to Add Flexibility Training

Many people do aerobic training for endurance and resistance training for strength – but neglect flexibility training. The American Council on Exercise reports that flexibility training is…

Strange But True? Can a MOUTHGUARD Improve Your Performance?

This may sound a little unusual, but one study found that wearing a mouthguard while training could actually give athletes a boost of power. A study published in the Journal of Strength &…

Here’s a LEGAL Performance Enhancing Drug – Caffeine!

If you want to improve your performance in the gym, don’t forget the java. Caffeine can help you lift more weight and also lessens your perception of exertion and pain, according to research…

Explosive Moves Can Build Your Muscles Faster

If you want to build bulk and strength with weight lifting, don’t just stick to slow, heavy lifts. Now research shows that FAST explosive movements such as kettlebell swings, box jumps and…